lgbt 2015

lgbt 2015

miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Alfredo Ferreyra MGW Latin America Director Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America - Axel Hotel - Pool Party - Marzo 2012

Les informamos que el Marzo 2012 se realizara en el AXEL Hotel de Buenos Aires, durante un Pool Party la coronacion de Lalo Bagaloni como Mr Gay World Argentina para competir en Mr Gay World 2012, Johanesburgo, Sudafrica.

Alfredo Ferreyra MGW Latin America Director Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America - EN MAYO 2012 SE ABRIRAN LAS INSCRIPCIONES PARA MISTER GAY WORLD ARGENTINA 2013


Si estas interesado en postularte revisa la pestaña "inscripciones" y por favor tomate el tiempo de leer todos los requisitos para no perder tu postulación.
Aclaramos que cuando decimos "no body Builders " en los requisitos nos referimos a que no buscamos fisicoculturistas sino chicos que cuiden su imagen y su cuerpo.

Lcdo Alfredo Ferreyra

Requisitos de postulación MISTER GAY WORLD 2013

Estado Civil:
Habilidades Principales:
Habilidades Secundarias:
Actitud ante los Medios Gay:
Postura ante la Comunidad Gay:

La organización del certamen apoya la lucha por la igualdad de derechos, por lo que es partidaria del matrimonio igualitario, de la aprobación de la ley anti discriminación que proteja de la discriminación arbitraria a la orientación sexual y la identidad de género.

La organización apoya el sexo seguro por lo que promueve el uso correcto del condón como medida de prevención contra el VIH y las ITS.

La organización del certamen promueve la inclusión y la no discriminación hacia las personas viviendo con VIH, la población trans, los pueblos originarios y los inmigrantes.

Los Criterios de Exclusión del concurso para seleccionar a los candidatos y para determinar la continuidad o el cese en sus funciones del Mr. Gay World Argentina son:

Conducta Intachable: El postulante que no tenga conducta intachable ante la ley no será seleccionado, se entiende por esto a aquel que haya sido condenado por algún delito y / o crimen. El mismo criterio se aplica al ganador durante su período de reinado, significando su condena el inmediato reemplazo por el candidato que le siguió en puntuación en la final.

Industria del sexo: El postulante que se haya dedicado al comercio sexual no será seleccionado, se entiende por este a la prostitución y / o la grabación de cintas o vídeos pornográficos o su participación en sesiones fotográficas de contenido sexualmente explicito. Si la organizacn desconoce esta información al momento de seleccionar a un candidato se procederá una vez confirmada la información a su eliminación del proceso. El mismo criterio se aplica al ganador durante su período de reinado.

Adicciones: El postulante que consuma drogas ilícitas será excluido del proceso, ya sea en su etapa de selección o en la de competencia. El candidato que presente un consumo excesivo de alcohol será descalificado y en el caso de ser el ganador se le retira el título.

Contradicción con la Comunidad Gay: En el caso de que un candidato o el ganador opine en forma opuesta a la organización sobre los puntos antes detallados de la comunidad gay se le excluye del proceso o se le retirará el título traspasándose al candidato que obtuvo la puntuación más alta después del ganador.

Alfredo Ferreyra MGW Latin America Director Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America - MGW Latin America Director Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America - Recordatorio para los Delegados Nacionales de Latino America

Se solicita a todos los Delegados Nacionales que traigan lo siguiente de sus paises de origen:

1. Un recuerdo o una curiosidad que sera rematada en la Cena Oficial con fines beneficos
2. Libros para chicos en Ingles ( hasta un total de 5 -cinco- unidades ) para un rango de edades de 2 a 12 anhos que sera entregada a los chicos minusvalidos en nuestro programa Outreach
3. Un pequenho regalo para cada uno de los concursantes ( por lo menos la cantidad debera ser aproximadamente 30 ). Simplemente algo que sea representativo de su pais de origen. Nosotros entregaremos los regalos en el Fairway por lo que seria conveniente que lo transporten en su equipaje principal  (que se entrega en bodega)
4- Un  Traje Nacional que represente la identidad de su pais y su gente

Su contribucion en  1  y  2  asi como su espiritu y su participacion le permitira sumar puntos para la evaluacion global total del Delagado Nacional.

NOTA: Un premio especial sera otorgado para el Delegado Nacional que muestre en el desfile el mejor Traje Nacional.

Todo esto es parte de la evaluacion que haran los Jueces por lo que le pedimos que por favor consideren este punto con la debida atencion que se merece.

Desde ya muchas gracias y cordiales saludos,

Alfredo Ferreyra
MGW Director para Latinoamerica

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Alfredo Ferreyra MGW Latin America Director Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America - Mr Gay World Argentina - Lalo Bagaloni

En la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, a los 23 dias de febrero de 2012, siendo las 10:00 hs., se reúnen en Tailored Services Buenos Aires, el Señor Gonzalo Aja Espil, la Señorita Helen Cazeres y la Señora Irma Canete Ferreyra, bajo la presidencia del Sr. Alfredo Ferreyra. Toma la palabra el Sr. Presidente e informa que el motivo de la reunión es la eleccion de Mr. Gay World Argentina para la competencia Mr. Gay World 2012 en la ciudad de la Johanesburgo, Sudafrica. Luego de una breve deliberación, y en base a toda la informacion disponible, se aprueba por unanimidad conceder al Sr. Gonzalo Enrique Bagaloni el mencionado titulo. Asimismo se establecen los procedimientos de forma y la celebracion de un Pool Party que se ralizara en el AXEL Hotel de Buenos Aires durante Marzo 2012. Acto seguido, el Sr. Presidente manifiesta que por considerar que la Asamblea manifesto un Caracter Unánime, se publicara la decision en las Redes Sociales pertinentes. No habiendo más asuntos que tratar, se da por concluida la sesión, siendo las 11:00 hs — in Buenos Aires.

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

Alfredo Ferreyra MGW Latin America Director Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America - Mr Gay Argentina para Mr Gay World 2012

Alfredo Ferreyra MGW Latin America Director Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America - Fecha Limite para las Inscripciones Nacionales en Latino America para MGW 2012

Gay Argentina
Tema: Fecha Limite para las Inscripciones Nacionales en Latino America para MGW 2012
Fecha: 18 de febrero de 2012

Muy buenas tardes a todos, de acuerdo a las indicaciones recibidas de Sud Africa les informo que la fecha límite para las inscripciones en MGW 2012 es la siguiente:

... 1.Si el Concurso de Eleccion Nacional de Mr Gay ya fue efectuada en su pais: 25 de febrero de 2012

2.Si el Concurso de Eleccion Nacional de Mr Gay NO fue efectuada a la fecha: la inscripcion debera hacerse dentro de los tres (3) días después de la realizacion de su Concurso de Eleccion Nacional


Alfredo Ferreyra
MGW Latin America Director
Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
+54 911 4184 8290

MGW Latin America Media
Media Relations
+54 911 4184 8290

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

Alfredo Ferreyra MGW Latin America Director Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America - Formulario de Registro de Representantes de Argentina para MGW 2012 Johannesburg, Southafrica

Country or Territory: Argentina
First name:
Last name:
Middel name:
Title: Mr. Gay Argentina
Your Producer (Person responsible for national competition): xxx xxx
Street address: xxx
Street address 2: xxx

Zip-/Postal Code:
Mobile phone (+ country code):
Home phone (+ country code):
Producers phone (+ country code): xxx
E-mail – own:
E-mail – producer: xxx 
Homepage / WEB URL:
Date of birth:
Age on day of finale 8 Apr 2012 :
Passport no.:
Total height - (From standing bare feet on the ground to the top of your head):

Do you need a visa to travel to South Africa? (You can use this URL for more information): NO

Total height - (From standing bare feet on the ground to the top of your head):
Neck - (For collar shirt to fit comfortably) :
Arm length - (Bend your arm about 90 degrees and measure from your shoulder bone past your elbow on the outside to your wrist):
Chest - (Do the measurement high up on your chest (almost under your arm) and all round your body) :
Waist measurement – (Across your navel and NOT too tight around your body):
Hip – (Over the biggest part of your hip/bum):
Pants outside leg – (From your waist to where your pants normally would sit for a formal trouser – about 2cm off the floor) :
Pants inside leg – (From right up between your legs/crotch to the same height as the outside leg - +/-2cm off the floor when you stand up straight) :
Underwear size (S, M, L, XL, XXL) :
Please enter your jacket size (UK size) :
Please enter your jeans size (UK size) :
Please enter your T-shirt size (S, M, L, XL, XXL):
Please enter your shoe size (UK size) :

What is your profession/job/study?:
What are your hobbies?:

How well do you speak and understand English?:
How well do you speak and understand French?:
How well do you speak and understand Spanish?:
What is your native language?:

IMPORTANT! Please provide us e-mail addresses for gay or other newspapers, magazines, web sites or other media in your country or area that may want to write about you::

Please tell us why you would like to take part and why you should be selected to become Mr. Gay World 2012: (No more than 300 words) :

IMPORTANT → Do you have any allergies, medical or dietary needs?:

Have you ever been involved in activities considered as pornographic or prostitution?

Have you ever been photographed or filmed nude for artistic, private or commercial reasons? If so, please provide details. :

Have you ever been arrested or convicted for criminal or immoral activities, crimes related to a controlled substance (drugs) or been imprisoned for any reason? :

Please indicate how open you are with your sexual identity within your community:

Do you have any questions or relevant and important information, please use the text box below.
Please consult this website first before posting questions: :


martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Alfredo Ferreyra MGW Latin America Director Caribbean, Mexico, Central, & South America - Informacion sobre MGW 2012 Johannesburg, South Africa

MGW Questions and General Information:

1 For the Executive Producers, my understanding is their stay is set up, what is this set up (accomodations, tickets/access to what, extra activities?) and how much does it cost? Who/where do they go to book that?

... A: Producer (1 person) - US $500 all inclusive from arriving 3 and departing 10 April (3 - 9 Apr nights), incl. breakfast, all at Fairway. Also includes other excursions e.g. Apartheid Museum - transport , entry, covert charge and ticket to Final. etc. Excluded: all other meals.
Producer (guest): 85$ per day = $595 including breakfast + (optional) $350 for other excursions - transport , entry, covert charge and ticket to Final.
Payable: 50% with booking with Mr GSA (invoice will be sent) and balance upon arrival.

2 For winner, the USA delegate, my understanding is he is also set, what is that st up (like when does he need to be there, when can he fly out?), my understanding is that everything except his flight is covered, is this right?

A: This will all be in the delegates handbook that they will soon receive. But here is it in short.
Delegates: All transport, accommodation and breakfast as well as most meals included (see Calendar of Events for meals not included), all entries etc. Most clothing for Final as well - only needs to bring his national costume for final - and club clothes for 2 nights as well as business pants and lounge short (no jeans) for Official Dinner. Daytime: light casual clothes e.g. 3 quarter pants and T-shirts, sunglasses, flip-flops, hat. Need to pack an overnight back for Askari Lodge - day clothes and toiletries. Need to bring a memento/curio of some value from home country for auction in aid of charity as well as English children's books for children's charity. More in handbook.
3 For others, like myself, who wish to go my understanding is staying in a hotel nearby is the best way to go but what about other things, like tickets/access to events, extra activities and whatnot, is there a package we can buy, is there a list of events we can get tickets to?

... A: You have several options:

1. Stay at Fairway hotel in rooms at STO rates +- $123 PER PERSON in 5 star rooms - see here:

2. Stay at Saffron Guest House (apparently Jarl has booked 5 units there = 10 ppl): (They are sponsors and supporters): (Preferential rates).

3. Stay at Southern Sun Hyde Park (4 star) - where the MGW Directors stayed in Nov - Preferential rates for MGW: R995 B&B per room or R760-00 Room only( Single occupancy) and R810.00 Room Only (Double/Twin occupancy). Write to

Transport etc are for the visitors own account and arrangements to be made to Fairway Hotel as well as if they want to follow the main group to excursions etc. We will make available transport options to choose from. We recommend study the Calendar of Events - see and decide where you want to join and we can recommend options.

4. Last question, for the after event things at Cape Town, what are the accomodations and events for that and how do we book those (for producers, delegate, and extra people).

A: All visitors other than MGW Directors and the winner - you have a free hand to stay where you want, but we must recommend the Protea Hotel Victoria Junction as it is in the so-called 'gay area' - see and they have preferential rates.

2. Stay at Saffron Guest House (apparently Jarl has booked 5 units there = 10 ppl): (They are sponsors and supporters): (Preferential rates).

3. Stay at Southern Sun Hyde Park (4 star) - where the MGW Directors stayed in Nov - Preferential rates for MGW: R995 B&B per room or R760-00 Room only( Single occupancy) and R810.00 Room Only (Double/Twin occupancy). Write to

Transport etc are for the visitors own account and arrangements to be made to Fairway Hotel as well as if they want to follow the main group to excursions etc. We will make available transport options to choose from. We recommend study the Calendar of Events - see and decide where you want to join and we can recommend options.
4. Last question, for the after event things at Cape Town, what are the accomodations and events for that and how do we book those (for producers, delegate, and extra people).

... 1: All visitors other than MGW Directors and the winner - you have a free hand to stay where you want, but we must recommend the Protea Hotel Victoria Junction as it is in the so-called 'gay area' - see and they have preferential rates.

2. Stay at Saffron Guest House (apparently Jarl has booked 5 units there = 10 ppl): (They are sponsors and supporters): (Preferential rates).

3. Stay at Southern Sun Hyde Park (4 star) - where the MGW Directors stayed in Nov - Preferential rates for MGW: R995 B&B per room or R760-00 Room only( Single occupancy) and R810.00 Room Only (Double/Twin occupancy). Write to

Transport etc are for the visitors own account and arrangements to be made to Fairway Hotel as well as if they want to follow the main group to excursions etc. We will make available transport options to choose from. We recommend study the Calendar of Events - see and decide where you want to join and we can recommend options.

4. Last question, for the after event things at Cape Town, what are the accomodations and events for that and how do we book those (for producers, delegate, and extra people).

A: All visitors other than MGW Directors and the winner - you have a free hand to stay where you want, but we must recommend the Protea Hotel Victoria Junction as it is in the so-called 'gay area' - see and they have preferential rates.
Official MGW events are not held, the idea is to explore the Cape Peninsula and what it has to offer. We can recommend wine tours, trips to Table Mountain, Cape Point and Robben Island